30 October 2013

A brief reprieve

Yep, that's right.  I've given my chevron lace cardigan a brief reprieve from it's exile to try again with the whole "soldiering through" because the yarn will get better with time and age.  I'm working off of promises from friends so here's hoping they love me enough not to lie to me.  I need a bit of motivation - or public shaming since this is my last piece to my OWL - so here is where I am as of today...

I stopped mid-row at the dentist office this morning, that's why it's uneven looking at the moment.
Now, my goal, is that in a week's time, I will have gotten to the arm hole shaping and worked at least 4 inches past.  I'm stating this here so that I may better hold myself accountable.  I just can't fail my OWL when I've put so much effort into the other two bits, which I dearly love and use to this day... this sweater resides in the bag I made!

Onward - for the glory of Slytherin and my first ever sweater!!

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